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Latest News & Events of Lok Sevak Sansthan, Jamui

From the Desk of Secretary
liloyadav_secretaryThe executive committee takes pleasure in presaling the Annual Report of the SOCIETY named Lok Sewak Sansthan for Ile year 2014-15. The aim, physical target, financial achievement, future planning are as follows:-

The executive committee has considered various project under consideration and decided to contract the various District, state, National and International Departments and Agencies to fund for programs. There is not change in constitute of executive committee during the year under review.
The society has convinced in meeting of the executive committee during the financial year made successful activities for the purpose for providing them technically efficient, improving their living structure and to empowering them to utilize the new opportunities. The SOCIETY is committed towards achieving economic and social empowerment of different caste, creed and faith.
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