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Latest News & Events of Lok Sevak Sansthan, Jamui

The organization conducted the program in Nawada District of Bihar State. Literacy and population size essentially are the basic ingredients for development. Economic development is closely associated with poverty reduction. Human development is the end-economic growth. Literacy and education have a direct role in human development and are instrumental in facilitating other achievements.

The significant effects of primary education on reduction in poverty and improvement in income distribution, improvement in health and nutritional status of the population growth, and positive association with adoption of family planning methods and its positive relationship with general social, political and economic development and overall quality of life are well recognized.

Women have to be integrated in the mainstream society as by and large in India they do not enjoy equal status with men and still have to fight their way through if they want to achieve social or economic advancement. For these causes OUR society working for the education for all men, women, girls boys children. Society wants to sure primary education for them. Under the direction of society 4 education centres in the villages of Nawada district. Its positive relationship with general social, political and economic development and overall quality of life are well recognized. Women have to be integrated in mainstram society as by and large in India they do not enjoy equal status with men and still have to fight their way through if they want to achieve social or economic advancement.

The organization conducted the programme in Nawada District of Bihar State. Education is a prime determinant of human development. Progress of a community in education may be viewed from several angles and hence different indices of educational achievement may be used. The conventional indices include :-
(i) effective literacy rate
(ii) primary school enrolment rate
(iii) drop-out rate at the primary level
(iv) mean years of schooling at the primary level
(v) pupil- teacher ratio and
(vi) distance of schools from place of residence.
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